Monday, September 30, 2019

Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness Angi Reid Sisk ESE Instructor Pillar October 24, 2011 Autism Awareness Autism is a disability that affects thousands of children today. The causes are yet to be known but there are many theories floating around as to how children develop this disorder. More importantly than how they have gotten the diagnosis, is what can be done do to help them thrive in their educational environment. Many of these children are staring school and are faced with an entirely new set of challenges other than adjusting to life in a home setting.There are many common characteristics that children with autism exhibit; educators must be aware of these traits and understand the best way to deal with them and other needs required by the students due to this disability. It is vital to be knowledgeable in the best teaching strategies and have access to support services and aids available to give children with this disorder the tools needed to achieve success along with their non-disabled peers. Autism has six distinct characteristics that involve students with the disability, (Turnbull and Wehmeyer, 2009).Several characteristics accompany students with autism that can drastically impact their progression in a general classroom environment. One common characteristic that children on the autism spectrum face is difficulty with speech. Children with autism are likely to develop speech more slowly than other children. In some children they may never start talking and with others they could develop speech and then lose it suddenly or over a period of time. Students with autism may experience the lack of social language skills; they can also exhibit lack of eye contact and unusual facial expressions.These deficiencies are not done intentionally, but because students with autism have an inability to communicate on the same level as their other peers, (Brittish Columbia; Ministry of Education, 2000). For the students who have developed speech it can differ in other ways such as o dd pitch tones or repetitive speech patterns. In the past studies were done and showed that only about fifty percent of individuals with autism would acquire full use of complete accomplished speech, (Turnbull and Wehmeyer, 2009).Today those statistics have drastically increased and show that with appropriate therapy including help from speech pathologists and other trained educators; the number of individuals that increase effective speech has grown to eighty five to ninety percent especially with early intervention. Speech therapists can help children with severe language impairments develop great communication skills and give them the needed skills to better communicate with their peers, (Powers, 2000). Social development is another common characteristic that students with autism share.Many find this characteristic to be the most alarming trait that children with autism share. Social interaction between autistic students and their classmates and teacher can be extremely difficult . This often occurs because these students may not have the ability to socialize well with others and could also exhibit other attributes like poor eye contact and can be resistive to comforting from others including their parents. Autistic students have difficulty understanding the feelings of others and how to distinguish that those feelings are separate from their own.They also have a hard time being empathetic and understanding the needs of their classmates and instructors, (Turnbull and Wehmeyer, 2009). Commonly children with autism can have a hard time establishing relationships in school settings because they tend to interact with others awkwardly and in a rigid manner, British Colombia: Ministry of Education, 2000). Most children with autism do not begin exhibiting the strong lack in social interaction until around the age of two years, (Powers, 2000).The progression that children make socially depends widely on their cognitive development; children who are less cognitively impaired ten to react better in social situations. Repetitive or stereotypical behavior is very common and can range from motor movements to repeated verbalizations. Autistic children can have very powerful interests and preferences that may be quite different from other students in their classroom. Sometimes distress can be caused accidentally by disrupting a student’s routine, (Powers, 2000).Unfortunately these behaviors can have a large impact on students learning process and the way that they handle themselves in a classroom. Situations or happenings that can seem insignificant to us can throw them completely off and impede their quality of learning. One reason for this is because students with autism can be insistent with routines being the same and can have obsessions with certain objects or belongings, (Turnbull and Wehmeyer, 2009). On many occasions autistic students will have a hard time with transition from their house to the school environment because of the urgenc y for the structured routine that they thrive on at home.This characteristic can display stereotyped behaviors such as lining up toys or objects or repetitive flapping of their bodies or toys. Students with autism also have challenges with sensory and movement behavior. Children with these issues can react very differently to their peers and various situations in the classroom. Children facing sensory problems may not respond the same to environmental stimuli. They may not have a reaction to something that is hot in the same way that a child without sensory problems would react.On the other hand they could over respond to the stimulant, (Autism Society of North Carolina, 2009). This characteristic could also cause students to exhibit hypersensitivity to light or certain taste, smells, or how objects feel, (Turnbull and Wehmeyer, 2009). Sensory issues can cause problems with intervention and teachers should always be aware of the risks that therapy can bring to students due to sensor y differences, (Volkmar and Weisner, 2009). Environmental stimuli can be very disturbing and even painful at time for children with autism.This can apply to limited types of sensory input or all forms of it; this can be caused by a disorder with the child’s sensory processing, An individual’s tactile system which includes the skin and brain allows a person to perceive and respond in the right manner to experiences in the environment, for example staying away from fire or snuggling up with pleasure in a cozy throw blanket. When autistic students have problems or disturbances in their tactile systems they may do the opposite. They may withdraw from trying to be comforted or from affection; this is called tactile defensive.These responses are a result of a tactile misconception and can lead to other behavioral problems. (British Colombia: Ministry of Education, 2000). Problem behaviors is a commonly shared by autistic children. This can be aggression toward oneself or oth ers. This happens more often when the student is frustrated or in a situation that cause over stimulation or confusion, (Autism Society of North Carolina, 2009). This can cause major disturbances in a classroom setting if the student shows violence toward the teacher or their other classmates. Even if he child is not aggressive toward others, there is the worry of them hurting themselves by biting, scratching, and in more severe cases head banging. Teachers can help to control these situations by modeling the appropriate behavior and helping the students with the right way to handle stress and positive reinforcers, (Turnbull and Wehmeyer, 2009). Student with autism that are entering the schools system have many needs and all of these factors should be taken into consideration for the optimal success of any child with a disability in a general curriculum classroom.One important need for a student is their physical space and how it is cohesive to their comfort ability. The environment where a child with autism learns is extremely important because students on the spectrum have a hard time regulating their focus and attention especially in complex classroom settings, (Volkmar and Weisner, 2009). The nature of the environment of a child’s classroom when faced with a disability can either help them progress or encumber their educational experience.It is important that the class be appealing for all of the students attending but equally as important that it not be distracting for a student with autism. Organization of the room is key in getting the child to engage with his or her peers and to do this in a manner that is comfortable to them. There should be a special place for the student to remove themselves if needed that has a serene and calming meaning it should be free from clutter and other things that could over stimulate. Obvious distractions such as computer screens should be kept out of eye sight so the focus can remain on the teacher.Predictability is also an important need to address with students with autism. A good way to address these needs is by having set routines where the student knows what to expect next. The teacher could use bells or timers to help the student know when to transition or to signal other daily reminders. Making transitions and moving from one exercise to another can be difficult and cause stress to the student which can be eased by incorporating simple techniques into the classroom which give the student a sense of security.Students with disabilities have a need for more one on one interaction in the classroom because they have hard time processing information as quickly as the other students. This need can be addressed by having a well trained para-professional that can help the student complete school work and other tasks assigned during the day. An aid can help the students to make the right decisions for positive behavior and can provide overall assistance in areas of need. Positive reinforcement is greatly needed on a daily basis and can be very encouraging to student with a disability.Focusing on the students strengths are a great way to motivate and help them excel in other areas. Collaborating with families is a good way to see what kind of methods work at home and then try to incorporate them into the classroom. Encouraging the student to participate in all of the activities along with the rest of their classmates will show that you believe in them and expect the best from them. A huge need for children with autism is help with social interaction. It is not that they do not want to make friend, it is that they do not possess the skills to know how.It is not an easy task to influence a child with autism’s social development. Social settings can cause distress so they need to be handled correctly and it helps to limit their social experiences to shorter time limits so that the experience does not become unpleasant, (Powers, 2000). When children have a good relation ship with their teacher they are shown to have better relationships with their peers, (Turnbull and Wehmeyer, 2009). Environmental stimuli have a large affect on the outcome that a student with autism has in the classroom.Teachers need to be aware of their responses to certain stimuli and learn what bothers the student and try to accommodate these needs whenever possible. Factors such as sound and lighting should be considered into the planning of the classroom and the configuration of the room. A need for extra time is a must for students with any type of disability. The teacher should always give the student extra time to complete assignments and class activities. The student may need extra time to process general information and request that you give them pertaining to instruction. Extra time will allow them to process the information more clearly.When children begin school especially primary grades after they have left preschool, they are faced with new challenges and expectatio ns based on increased â€Å"psychological and physical maturity†, (Volkmar and Wiesmer, 2009). Students are provoked to work more independently and there is much more self directed learning occurring in the classroom. It is possible and is happening more frequently now that students with ASD’S are functioning well in school with the help from all of the options available now. There are fully inclusive classes and programs that supply mainstream teaching along with special education services.When teachers make accommodations for students with autism it helps them to function on a more appropriate level. Students with autism can have a difficult time with various sounds and lights that they hear and see throughout the course of their school day. Ear plugs or noise cancelling headsets can be very beneficial in helping them eliminate some of these disturbing factors, (Stokes, 2011). When students leave the classroom to go to lunch or other activities they are introduced to sounds that they are not familiar with; these components will help in these situations.Another great tool and accommodation for students are visual or graphic schedules. These are good tools to let the students know what activity come when and in what sequential memory order they are to perform them in, (Powers, 2000). These schedules should be composed from left to right or top to bottom so they are not confusing to understand and have very clear graphics. Students with autism can become very involved in computers and it can give them a sense of calmness and really help to educate them on various subjects.Computers like visual charts give a clear and concise message for the activity being focused on. Computers can also be used as a reward and a bonus for good behavior. If the children are exposed to computers at home it gives them a sense of familiarity at school. Another way that educators can accommodate their students is by collaborating with the special education teacher on ti ps and strategies on the best methods to implement in the classroom and positive reinforcers that can help the teacher help the child to put forth their best effort.Special education teachers can also spend time with the paraprofessional or the aid to help them in specific instruction on how to help the students on individual learning skill sets. A crisis plan is a tool that all teachers who have students with disabilities in their classrooms need on file. These are put into place in case a child has an emotional outburst or some other type of emergency during the day that would call for immediate assistance, (Stokes, 2011). This plan should cover everything from sensory issues to obsessive compulsive factors and how to address them in the best possible way.This plan should be collaboration between the parents, administrative staff, the special education teacher, and the general classroom teacher. This plan could coincide with the IEP plan which addresses learning goals and outcomes . Both of these plans in conjunction with each other make a great tool for the teacher. Autism affects so many live today; almost everyone has contact with or knows someone affected with this disability. Education and early intervention is the key to giving students with this disability the best opportunity for success.Understanding all of the characteristics for this disability can greatly help the educator to understand and meet the needs of their students and achieve success. All students deserve the right to an education in the most least restrictive environment with the best services available. If educators use their resources and work in collaboration with the families and other support systems; their students will learn in a positive and stable environment.Reference Page Autism Society of North Carolina, (2011). Common Characteristics of Children with Autism Disorders. British Colombia Ministry of Education. Special Programs Branch, (2000). Teaching Students With Autism: A Re source Guide For Schools. Powers, M. D. (2000). Children With Autism, A Parents Guide. Second edition Stokes, S. , (2011). Interventions and Strategies for Success Turnbull, A. , Turnbull, R. and Wehmeyer, M. (2009). Exceptional Lives: Special Education in Todays Schools. Sixth Edition Volkmar, F. and Wiesnar, L. (2009). A Practical Giude to Autism: What Every Parent, Family member, and Teacher Needs to Know.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Analysis on the Interaction of the Different aspects on Human Development

Abstract The growing up process or the human developmental process has been an interesting topic of research in the field of Psychology. Great psychologists and sociologists have already provided up of the different theories and hypotheses about growing up. However, the application of these theories may not that easy for us to understand. Therefore this paper shall describe, compare, and contrast the developmental theories according to the psychodynamic, cognitive, learning, and humanistic perspectives.An Analysis on the Interaction of the Different aspects on Human Development  on the Overall Development of a Child Development or the growing-up process is the most crucial part of a person’s life. It is the time when changes in the cognitive, emotional, and biological aspects occur. Hence, this is the stage when a person needs utmost attention and guidance. This area has been a topic of interest for researchers for several years which led to the birth of Developmental Psycho logy as a separate field of study. Developmental psychology aims to grasp and provide a better understanding of the idea and significance of growing up in reaching a person’s full potential.To explain the process of human development, various theories were proposed by several psychologists. Hence, this paper aims to describe, compare, and contrast the developmental theories according to the psychodynamic, cognitive, learning, and humanistic perspectives. Psychodynamic Perspective Freud’s Psychosexual Theory There are various theories in studying the development in human life cycle. The first one is the Psychodynamic perspective. In this theory, the names Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson hover among the others.Freud’s theory attempts to explain human development through what he calls the psychosexual stages. According to his theory, sexuality starts at a very early stage in a person’s life. Each stage is identified according to the specific pleasure source a child has on that stage. In case that a pleasure urge is not gratified, it may eventually lead to various fixations later in a person’s life (Institute of Human Thermodynamics [IoHT], 2005). Freud enumerates the different psychosexual stages as follows: Table 1 – The Psychosexual Stages Stage Pleasure source Conflict/Fixation Oral  (birth-18months)Mouth Oral Fixation- excessive eating, drinking, smoking, and biting of nails Anal (2-4 years) Anus Anal fixation o Anal retentiveness- too much orderliness/ cleanliness o Anal repulsiveness- messy Phallic (4-5 years) Genitals Oedipus (boys) or Electra (girls) complex, Castration Anxiety, Penis Envy Latency (6-puberty) Repressed sexual urges Genital (puberty onward) Physical sexual changes reawaken repressed needs. Social rules Freud also emphasized the effects of the Id, Ego, and Superego in the developmental process of a child. The id is the pleasure seeking part of individuals.This is the source of biological needs and drives. On the other hand, the superego is oftentimes in conflict with the id because it consists of the moral part of individuals, and it is more popularly described as the voice of the conscience. Finally, the ego operates under reality, and it is further described by Freud as the conscious mind which contains one’s thoughts, judgments, and memories (IoHT, 2005). In summary, the three main concepts of Freud’s psychosexual theory are: (1) pleasure and fixation; (2) sexuality at an early age; and (3) id, ego, and superego.Pleasure and fixation deals about the pleasure sources of an individual per stage and the fixation that may come if that certain pleasure will not be gratified. Sexuality at an early age on the other hand talks about the sexual pleasures an individual experiences during the early periods of life, which Freud explain to be the major source of all our frustrations as we grow old. Lastly he also talks the id, ago and superego which, for Freud, are the ce ntral controllers of our behavior. Freud’s psychosexual theory is similar to other developmental theories in several ways. First, it summarizes the developmental process into stages.Second, like other theories, this theory also talks about a child’s needs and the importance of gratification. Finally, it associates consciousness as a factor in each stage. However, the psychosexual theory appears to be different from other psychosexual theory in various ways. One of its unique features is that it deals with sexuality in the early years of a child’s development. Another distinct characteristic of this theory is that it does not involve other emotional and external factors. Lastly, it does not include other areas of growth aside from the sexual development.Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory Erikson’s theory deals with personality development. In this theory, Erikson summarized the Psychosocial Development of a person into eight different stages. The 1) trus t vs. mistrust, 2) autonomy vs. shame, 3) initiative vs. guilt, 4) industry vs. inferiority, 5) identity vs. role confusion, 6) intimacy vs. isolation, 7) generativity vs. stagnation and 8) integrity vs. despair. In each stage, a person deals with a crisis based on physiological development and the demands from the parents, guardians, or the society (Clifton & Davis, 1995).In summary, the three main concepts of Erikson’s personality development theory are: (1) a person’s search for an identity, which answers the question of why an individual goes through the different psychosocial development stages; (2) psychosocial crisis, which talks about the social and personal difficulties and problems that a person experiences whenever he or she was not able to overcome a psychosocial stage successfully; and (3) the ego psychology in agreement with Freud’s ego concept, which explains that the ego primarily controls the way a person acts and socializes.Erikson’s psy chosocial theory appears to be similar to other developmental theories in numerous ways. First, like other theories, it summarizes the developmental process into stages. Second, it talks about a child’s needs and the importance of gratification as well. Last, the psychosocial theory associates the effects of the social environment with a child’s development. However, some features of the psychosocial theory make it distinct from the other developmental theories. One of these features is that it believes that the ego is of utmost importance.Another characteristic of this theory that sets it apart from the others is that it believes that both social and sexual factors play an important role in personality development. Finally, it also deals with mental health. Cognitive Developmental Theory The most renowned proponent of the Cognitive Development Theory is Jean Piaget. In this theory, he points out that cognitive development is a process where a child’s knowledge and awareness of his/her surroundings is a function of experience and time.Piaget claims that children have this so-called â€Å"reflexes† at birth which control their behavior (Huitt & Hummer, 2003). These reflexes are then replaced with constructed schemes. He described the processes as Assimilation and Accommodation. Assimilation pertains to the process of using or transforming the environment so that it can be placed in a pre-existing cognitive structure (Huitt & Hummer, 2003).On the other hand, accommodation is the process of changing cognitive structures in order to accept something from the environment. Piaget further simplified his theory by enumerating what he called the stages of cognitive development: 1) Sensorimotor stage (infancy); 2) Pre-operational stage (toddler and early childhood); 3) Concrete Operational stage (elementary and early adolescence); and 4) formal operational stage (adolescence and adulthood) (Preisser, 1997).In summary, the three main concepts of Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental theory are: (1) reflexes and schemas are the main factors of a person’s behavior; (2) assimilation and accommodation, where assimilation is the process of using or transforming the environment so that it can be placed in preexisting cognitive structures, while accomodation is the process of changing cognitive structures in order to accept something from the environment (Huitt & Hummer, 2003); and (3) constructivist learning, which explains that the learning is mostly dependent on the learner and the teacher.It is the learner who interacts with his or her environment and thus gains an understanding of its features and characteristics (Thanasoulas, 2003). Some traits of Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory are similar to other developmental theories include the following: (1) it summarizes the developmental process into stages; (2) it talks about a child’s needs and the importance of gratification; and (3) it emphasizes the role of the parents/guardians in a child’s development. However, certain characteristics of this theory make it unique and different from other developmental theories.These characteristics are as follows: (1) it focuses on mental development only; (2) it looks at the cognitive development not just as a series of several stages but also as a process as a whole; and (3) it does not look at the other factors, such as the social and emotional aspect of a child’s development. Learning Perspective: Social Learning Theory Among other theorists, Albert Bandura is considered as the leading proponent of this theory. According to J. E. Ormrod (1999), Social Learning Theory keeps its focus on the learning that occurs within a social context.This is means that people tend to learn through observation and modeling. This theory also proposes that learning is still possible to occur even without a change in behavior. This is because according to social psychologists, a person can learn through observation alone, and this may not manifest in one’s actions. The theory also states that learning becomes possible through cognition; that is, prediction of future rewards or punishments has a great effect on how a person behaves (Ormrod, 1999).In summary, the three main concepts of Bandura’s Social Learning theory are: (1) learning through observation and modeling, where people learn easily through observation and imitating another individual’s behavior; (2) cognition as a major factor of learning, which refers to an individual’s knowledge absorption, analysis, and processing; and (3) self-efficacy, which refers to how people feel, think, motivate themselves, and behave. Such beliefs produce these diverse effects through four major processes (Bandura, 1994).Bandura’s Social Learning appears to be similar to other theories as it: (1) focuses on mental and learning process; (2) emphasize the role of parents/guardians in a childâ€⠄¢s development; and (3) mentions about the significance of reinforcements in learning. However, this theory also differs from other theory because it: (1) emphasizes on modeling as a form of learning; (2) deals with self-efficacy; and (3) centers on the stages of the learning process rather than on the development process as a whole.Humanistic Perspective: Self Actualization and Hierarchy of Needs This theory is proposed by Carl Rogers. He explained through this theory that just like animals, plants, and other organisms, human beings have that natural urge to thrive and survive (Boeree, 2007). This theory also emphasizes the importance of positive regard and positive self-regard in the process of growing up which, he says, may eventually lead a person to accomplish his or her full potential and worth—the full functionality of a person.In summary, the three main concepts of Rogers’ Personality theory are: (1) self actualization which is concerned with the awareness or realization of one’s identity which helps to draw his/her utmost capabilities and potentials; (2) positive self-regard, which, just like self esteem and self confidence, helps build up an individual’s trust in his/herself that s/he can do anything that s/he endeavors; and (3) fully functioning person—a person who achieved self actualization and consistently has positive self-regard. Rogers’ Personality theory has characteristics that are similar to other developmental theories.These similarities include the following: (1) it sees people only as good, healthy, well, or ill; (2) it perceives mental health as a normal progression in life; and (3) it is person-centered (Boeree, 2007; Pescitelli, 1996). However, this theory has features that make it different from other developmental theories. These features include: (1) it is relatively simple; (2) it looks at cognitive development, not as a series of several stages but also as a process as a whole; and (3) i t does not take into consideration other factors such as the social and emotional aspect of a child’s development.Importance of Understanding the Developmental Theories in Helping Children Reach Their Potential All new born children need and deserve the attention, love, and support from their parents. However, the support and the care do not actually stop at that period of life; rather, it has only just begun. The most important period when a child needs proper care and guidance is during his/her early years. It is during this time when various factors, both internal (e. g. , thought processes) and external (e. g. , family), shape the personality of the child and what s/he can become (Day, 2008).It is also during this stage that children find their identity—who they want to be in the society and how they want to be treated as a person. In this development process, the cognitive, physical, and emotional aspects of a child are interrelated in a way that each one affects the child’s overall development in various ways. The cognitive aspect of a child’s development is directly connected to the other two since it is the mental processes which govern the rest of an individual’s activities and behavior.The physical aspect on the other hand is important to be developed properly since the physical capacities and limitations of an individual depend to that. Lastly, the emotional aspect also poses significance in a child’s development since this will determine how strong and how weak shall this person be in dealing with personal and social emotional issues in the future. Thus, the parents cannot just focus on one aspect of development; rather, these three aspects must be taken into consideration and must be given proper attention.In addition to this, a growing child is more vulnerable and more fragile compared to adults. For this reason, children must receive proper guidance in order for them to become good and useful members of the society. Through the theories discussed in this paper, it can be concluded that a child’s development is never as simple as gaining height and weight. It is not as plain as learning to write and read better through the days spent in school.In the process, the parents and the child’s environment actually mold him/her into a person who can reach his/her greatest potentials. If parents neglect or fail in this obligation, issues and problems may arise regarding a child’s attitude, behavior, and capabilities later on when s/he grows as an adult. Hence, just like a butterfly’s metamorphosis, parents want their children to grow with the most beautiful and strongest wings possible; that is, through understanding these developmental theories. References Bandura, A. (1994). Self-efficacy. In V. S. Ramachaudran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Behavior (Vol. 4, pp. 71-81). New York: Academic Press. (Reprinted in H. Friedman [Ed.], Encyclopedia of Mental Health. San Diego: Academic Press, 1998) Boeree, C.G. (2007). Carl Rogers 1902-1987. Personality Theories. Retrieved October 16, 2008 from Clifton, A. and Davis, D., Psychosocial Theory: Erikson, Haverford College. Retrieved October 15, 2008 from Day, A. (2008). Why understanding your child’s personality is so important. Helium. Retrieved October 16, 2008 from Institute of Human Thermodynamics. (2005, December 26). Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory and Thermodynamics [1873-1923]. Retrieved October 15, 2008 from Huitt, W., & Hummel, J. (2003). Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. retrieved October 15, 2008 from Ormrod, J.E. (1999). Human Learning (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Pescitelli, D. (1996). An Analysis of Carl Rogers’ Theory of Personality.Telford Hypnotherapy. Retrieved October 16, 2008 from Preisser, G. (1997). Theories and research. Developmental Psychology Student Net Letter, Mesa Community College. Retrieved October 15, 2008 from Thanasoulas, D. (2003). Constructivist Learning. Center for Southeast Asian Studies Northern Illinois University. Retrieved October 18, 2008 from Syque. (2008). Freud’s psychosexual stage theory. Changing Minds. Retrieved October 15, 2008 from   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Quality & safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Quality & safety - Assignment Example All workers should compete compulsory annual training to demonstrate competency with uphold a state and healthy environment. Ongoing continued an education program also strengthens these specific work related skills. The background of Care Safety map provides strategy and actions to encourage a secure environment of concern for the patients and a protected job environment for the staff (Institute of Medicine, 2004). In addition, the map delineates nursing protection programs that meet regulatory requirements of federal, state and local government agencies. The patient subcommittee drives activities designed to meet the patient safety goals through initiatives focusing on issues such as infection control, equipment safety, bed safety, and medication safety. Nurse motivated improvements to the ill-health concern are many, and include strengthening of fall- prevention policies, concentration to best practices in pain management and medication safety (Institute of Medicine, 2004). Promoting the staff safety; Nurses in the critical care unit should be early acquainted with the responsibilities and standard required in that area. Nurses should also be exposed to control and sharp injury prevention program. The environmental services effort to uphold sanitation of the patient heed and job environment should be the key to infection control and safety as well as the pleasing feeling of the patient care areas. Nursing staff and managers have major effort outline flow, ensure space for both patient care and administrative functions hence promoting suitable position of equipment and property, in the renewal designs; to help categorize the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Functional Human Resource Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Functional Human Resource Technology - Essay Example This will also require a lot of staff who can work on it.. Why should most of the companies waste their time and money in installing new systems The answer to this question is simple. The reason is that it is very easy and simple to process payroll on a computer than doing it manually. Every employee can now look at his or her average salary for the month and can plan his or her expenditure accordingly. Errors creeping in the calculation of pay every month is reduced than when done so under the manual system. Installation of Computerized Payroll System can be expanded based on the needs of the organization. The installation should pave way for work to be carried out with fewer integration problems. As part of these ports to new payroll resolutions, management comforts particularly for financial management will be a large part of potential technology. The new technology will include more graphing ability, like the dashboards that would immediately display the mean salary by cost center. The new technology of Computerised Payroll System when installed or while installing will be a challenge to the Management. It becomes a challenge, because the required and apt staff who can work with the new system without causing it to crash, will have to be inducted. The human factor, that is the staff, is also equally important as is the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

American System of Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

American System of Education - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that it is always good to study or learn about a country’s system of education before enrolling in any school. This will help in understanding how the system works and hence help the student during their period in school. Once a student has enrolled he or she can be able to study the units they are interested in so as to enhance their career choice. The American system of education has been admired even by the international students and therefore this topic will help in understanding how the system works. It is also important to know the schools or colleges that one can afford to pay for the tuition fee. This topic entails how the levels of education flow and when and how to enroll in any school.This essay declares that  the education system in the US want to make sure that every child is well educated. Every educator feels the need to improve the system though it has received a lot of challenges. Some subcultures do not see the value for educ ation and that some children are given wrong messages at home that school is not important. Some of the values for schooling need to be instilled from the homes.   Some schools provide for transport although it may be for certain ages or schools. At the primary and secondary levels school is mandatory. Again first grade is compulsory. President Obama has felt the need for the federal government to pay the tuition for students in community colleges.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Read Marianne Jenning's articalwhy an international environment code Essay

Read Marianne Jenning's articalwhy an international environment code of ethics would be good - Essay Example Despite criticism, international code of business ethics has various merits. Arguably, different countries hold varied cultural values in terms of language, social custom, and non-verbal communication (Smeltzer and Jennings 58). It is a non-contested fact that long-term survival and operation of any business relies on how well a business conforms to host country traditions. The inability to hook business objectives with surrounding ethical needs create an ethical vacuum leading to conflict of interest. Additionally, businesses root in trust and ethical commitment, which has a direct bearing on the economic life. In many cases, such businesses end up law suits and court battles in the name of implementing accepted social standards and responsibilities. In this light, cultural imperialism, highlights an existing business dilemma that calls for limitation and control through the international code of ethics. Similarly, a business system is a cycle of operations focusing on the limited resources to create a stable economic system. It is an inter-dependency of system based connections, society, demand, quality, and most importantly price. Non-regulation as noted by Kosolov, Martin and Peterson cited in Smeltzer, Larry and Jennings (1998) is non-existent. Every business has the sole responsibility of regulating behaviors and working within existing economic tenets; however, this has remained a problems as evidenced in the Security Exchange Act of 1934 (Smeltzer and Jennings 59). In the act, maintaining a crucial economic flow involves holding certain ethical factors constant. From this perspective, international code of ethics prove worthwhile in bringing order and equitable trading environment in the raven business risk taking atmosphere. The political, social, and economic structures of different countries roots for varied business treatment. The hypocrisy mixed to surging inflation and high cost of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Michel Foucault's Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Michel Foucault's Theories - Essay Example This is usually understood that people are dominate by big social groups and are unable to resist the power of institutions which control day-to-day lives. In the last ten years, the ideas of Foucault has been taken up and use not only by students, but also by professionals in numerous areas. Looking on the three major Foucault's themes in account of prison - power, subjectivity and surveillance - is vital to understanding ideas of Foucault. Foucault's works deal with discipline and instructions. He traces the workings of power at the micro-level and distinguishes his approach from studies of power that focus on the dominating role of the institutions. Foucault writes that it is necessary to cut off the king's head, to understand that power is not the property of the might, but rather the set of forces which establish positions and ways of behaving that influence people in everyday life (Grovier 2005). Foucault has distinguished his understanding of power by noting that there is no right and no wrong way of reasoning, and people are capable of making sense of the world through their own reasoning. However, the human understanding of the self and lives is always filtered though the ideas and institutions that constitute the society (Danaher 2000). Penal system is the s... Foucault devotes a lot of his writings to presenting the genealogy of the prison. IN particular, he writers about the changes in penal procedures in France in late 18th- early 19th centuries. The key change was the abandonment of the torture and public executions, the development of the incarcerating practices and regulating prisoners by practices of surveillance (Eribon 1991). Foucault relates these changes to the Enlightenment - the emerging philosophies based on humanistic virtues of reason and justice. Thus, the changes in prison system were the reflection of the idea that prisoners were aware of their failings. Thus, the old concept of power was replaced by the new physical power which Foucault associates with discipline. He offers two ways of understanding discipline - one tied to punishment, and the other to skills and knowledge. The second concept of discipline is like the set of qualities which humans need to master in order to be recognized and values within the particular field (Danaher 2000). If from the first perspective, discipline is negative, from the second perspective discipline is seen as the positive force tied with self-empowerment and achievement. Disciplinary power gives the person the space within the institution as well as the rank within the system. This ranking enables the institution to regulate the movement of people throughout the space as well as to regulate the progress they can make from one task to another. Foucault further notes that discipline was not simply imposed from above and people submitted themselves to be able to operate effectively in the social con ditions (McNay 1994). It is important to note that Foucault has collected the material

Monday, September 23, 2019

Social Responsibility and the Traditional College Student Research Paper

Social Responsibility and the Traditional College Student - Research Paper Example Freshman, all too often students leave for college and have no idea what the next chapter of their life will consist of in college. They understand they are headed to college and they are expected to attend class, make the grades, and graduate to get a good job. What they do not realize is that it is hardly that simple. There is so much more to the college experience aside from the obvious and one thing I feel traditional students lack is an understanding of personal responsibility. Students embrace the absence of their parents with the new gained freedom but the end result is binge drinking, campus reports of rape, alcohol poisoning, and lowered retention rates. It has been understood that in order to cultivate the values of responsibility, and good citizenship in the next generation that active investment is desirable for the purpose of civic responsibility. Apart from simply academic endeavors, productive and stable society needs in socially minded individuals able to give due dil igence to the needs of the community, and interest of a multicultural integration for the betterment of the whole. A time-honored strategy which serves as both an indicator and an encouragement of civic responsibility would be the fostering of voluntary service programs, often involving college students. Primarily, the evaluation for any such program at the college level is whether and to what extent the program or intervention measure benefits the students collectively. Involvement in voluntary service initiatives can be useful in the strategic planning for institutional policy in the long run. While civic responsibility and social awareness are desirable traits, and such programs by definition should be bereft of a profit motive, there must still be some nod to the principle of efficiency. What is the most effective use of the institution's time and resources with an eye towards long-term objectives of cultivating social responsibility? The investigation of programs and interventi ons that promote student responsibility are valuable for long-term planning purposes, but the body of literature concerning longitudinal research on the subject remains sparse. There are findings that indicate voluntary service programs can provide gains in civic responsibility, as well as cognitive performance – but more work is needed to fully quantify to what extent such gains are likely. And critics would suggest that many such studies concerning cognitive gains with respect to voluntary programs demonstrate limited evidence of effectiveness beyond the originating college campus. (Astin & Sax, 1998), (Batchelder & Root, 1994) Literature Review To integrate the subject of personal responsibility into curriculum would serve them well. Like a College 101 but on the social end rather than the academics end. In the article, â€Å"Teaching Students Personal and Social Responsibility With Measureable Learning Outcomes†, the topic of personal and social responsibility was addressed with regards to the 21st century college student. There was a study done at Rollins College (a small private liberal arts school) and Winthrop University (medium-sized, public comprehensive university) to evaluate personal and social responsibility; they created Core Commitments as a guiding philosophy (AAC&U,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Online Class Systems in the University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Online Class Systems in the University - Essay Example Approximately 3 million enrolments in online courses are reported in the U.S.A by American sources. According to the Statistical Analysis Report February 2002, at least 3.3 million signed up in no less than one online course. According to the Sloan Report, students appear to be at least as satisfied with what they achieve from online courses as they are with the traditional ones. Studies show that public schools offer more online courses than private schools. It is evident that online learning has become a popular form of schooling with numerous advantages. This system, however, has disadvantages to it that should not be overlooked. The quality of these courses is not very high (Sims 54). Problems encountered in the online system of learning and their solutions The following are some of the problems that may be encountered in an online learning system along with their solutions: Computer illiteracy is a major problem facing online learning systems. ... Technology has proven to be quite unreliable and break downs occur at any point even when the system was initially operating smoothly. Students are responsible for their own progress and as if this is not enough, they have to keep up with technological advancement. Sometimes, something that seems as simple as establishing contact with the learning provider can turn into the most cumbersome challenge even to computer wizards let alone the novice. This may lead to frustration and discouragement which may cause the learner to discontinue with the program. The University Of Central Florida found that technical problems were a cause for students’ withdrawal. Even the most sophisticated technology happens to be unreliable and the question is not whether the system will fail, but when. A server hosting the program could suddenly crash and cut off all learners from the class, internet connection could fail or get disconnected abruptly and the institution hosting the connection could b e bogged down by users hence cause it to be slow or fail altogether. For online programs to be successful, the technology in use ought to be reliable and friendly to the users. This can be achieved by using systems that have been upgraded to ensure weak points have been dealt with appropriately. While online learning may be considered an effective method of education for the mature and self-disciplined students, some learners are dependent and have problems assuming the responsibilities required by an online system of learning. Elementary and secondary students fall into this category. Such students need to be self-motivated, organized and have the ability to manage their time well in order to successfully participate in the online program.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Psychological Effects of Unemployment Essay Example for Free

The Psychological Effects of Unemployment Essay Outline I. Introduction A. Opener: B. Thesis Statement: Unemployment not only affects the country’s economic status but also leads to various psychological impacts on the unemployed group. II. People who are unemployed have a higher risk to suffer from depression. A. Depressed most of the day as indicated by subjective reports or observation B. Occurs when people lose their jobs and feel unhappy C. Become slow, less productive, indecisive, uncertain and careless in doing things III. A person who is unemployed may become aggressive. A. Become dangerous to themselves or others and change in mental status or sudden behaviour change B. Feels frustrated due to lose of job and want to vent his emotion C. Family abused and cause injuries IV. Inferiority complex might be another effect of unemployment. A. Social avoidance, high sensitivity and fear of making mistakes B. Being look down by the people around and the society C. Feeling bad, ashamed, depress and also limited potential to success V. Conclusion: The Psychological Impact of Unemployment According to Cambridge Dictionary, â€Å"Unemployment is defined as the number of people who do not have a job which provides money or the state of being unemployed†. In fact, every country has a certain unemployment rate depends on the country economic status. Research by Poatsy and Martin (2010), â€Å"unemployment rate is defined as the numbers of workers who are at least 16 years old who are not working and who have been trying to find a job within the past four weeks and still haven’t find one† (p. 48). There are four different types of unemployment which include frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, cyclical unemployment and seasonal unemployment. As Poatsy and Martin (2010) find out that, â€Å"frictional unemployment means temporary unemployment in which workers move between jobs, careers and locations; structural unemployment is the permanent unemployment associated when an industry changes in such a way that jobs terminated completely; wher eas cyclical unemployment is the unemployment caused by lack of demand for those who want to work; and finally seasonal unemployment is those out of work during the off season† (p. 48). Now, let us roughly explore the factors of unemployment among people nowadays. First, the rapid changes in technologies have attributed in this issue. For examples, a factory which at beginning use manpower as manufacture basis but now has changed to mechanical machine instead of manpower. Thus, this advanced in technologies have change to economic world. Then, attitude towards employers, willingness to work, perceptions and values of employees these are also consider as the factors of unemployment. In fact, unemployment not only affects the country’s economic status but also leads to various psychological impacts on the unemployed group. As we all know, a person who lead a better life condition, he or she will feel satisfy and happy with his life status. What does it mean? A better life condition basically means that a person having a secure place to live in, getting sufficient food and drinks, having sense of belonging, getting love from people and having a fix career which can generate income to a person. However, if a person who fulfill his physiological, safety and belonging needs but do not own a fix job, he will definitely unhappy, unsatisfied and some even get into emotional problems such as depression. Hence, we can see that people who are unemployed have a higher risk to suffer from depression. As recorded in Cambridge Dictionary, â€Å"depression is a mental illness in which a person is very unhappy and anxious for long periods and cannot have a normal life during these periods†. In fact, a person who suffers from depression can be recognized easily. First of all, the particular person will fell depressed for most of the time and this is based on nonobjective reports or ascertainment made by others (Butcher, Mineka, Hooley, 2008). Besides, another symptoms will be significantly lessen passion or bliss in almost all daily activities, burnout of energy very easily, markedly sudden weight loss or weight gain, and even think of death or suicide frequently (Butcher et al., 2008). These are the symptoms for those who are in depressed. Hence, you should put more attention to the one who is unemployed so that you can find out whether he or she is getting depress and quickly get the consultation from psychiatrist. How depression occurs on the unemployed people? When a person gets fired and in the state of unemployed, he will think of his working ability and skills whether it meets the company needs or the employer’s expectation. For this reason, he may think that he is less productive and become obsolete in the particular working place. Since then, the person feels unhappy. His worries accumulate from days to days and therefore, he become depressed. Furthermore, if the person has a family burden, he has to face a bigger challenge when he is getting no job. This is because the expanses for a family is quite a big portion nowadays. These expanses include the cost for children education, daily necessities, daily food and drinks. Thus, the unemployed person is totally stress up and has to find way in order to cover these family expenses. Due to this cause, stress on financial problems can also lead to depression. When a person gets depression, his working ability is affected (Aufiero, 2010). This means that he cannot perform his job well and successful. He may tend to be slower in working and cannot stay focus on his work. Hence, his working productivity decreases. Moreover, in the family bonding aspect, he may lack of interest, emotional response and participation in his family life and recreational activities (Aufiero , 2010). As a result, his family members may feel being relinquished. As he lose his job, he might also think that he cannot carry the responsibilities to take good care of his family so he become low self esteem (Aufiero, 2010). Let us move to another topic which is also generates a great impact to the unemployed. For those who get fired and lose their jobs, they may feel frustrated and unsatisfied. For certain people, they will blame on either their employers or colleagues who directly or indirectly make them to be unemployed. The feeling of anger and frustrated that aroused and make them emotional unstable. Therefore, they will try to vent their emotion by harming others physically or mentally in order to get comforted. In other words, unemployment can also leads to aggression. People usually relate aggression with anger, emotional unstable, violence and irritable. However, in Baron, Branscombe and Byrne (2008) point of view, â€Å"Aggression is any behaviour directed toward the goal of h arming another living being who is motivated to avoid such treatment† (p. 338). The symptoms of aggression are very obvious which include emotional unstable as mentioned above, very sensitive to other people comment and judgement, and the most important is being harmful and causes injuries to themselves or others either in physical or verbal. The way they harm others may be threatening, irrational or even suicidal behaviour (Better Medicine, 2011). A person who is suffering from aggression, he may undergo sudden changes in mental status as well as personal behaviour (Dementia Guide, 2006). For example, people who are normally gentle and calm suddenly become aggressive and hostile towards others. In fact, the causes of aggression are tightly linked to being criticized, judged and despised by other people. When they get unemployed, they may be judged by the society about their capabilities and abilities. For those who have family burden, they may also being look down by others because the society will think that they cannot brace their families since they are jobl ess now. Hence, various social judgments, comments and burden to them, and they want to get rid of these by becoming aggressive and violent so that they can get acceptance by the others and stay comforted. The consequences of aggression can actually involve both malefactor and the victim. For the victim side, he may get injuries whether physically or verbally and lastly emotional trauma or even worst that is deadliness (Hong, 2004). In the physical aspect, the victim may suffer from various violent acts such as get beaten and being abused. Another kind of aggression act will be sexual abuse. As the consequences, the victim encounters sexual trauma or victimisation. In a Norwegian study, domestic violence causes severe chronic pelvic pain to the victim. In short, aggression acts and violence causes serious injuries which range from bruises and fractures to chronic disabilities (Lum, 2010). For medical treatment, the victim will also have to bear a financial cost due to the injuries cause by the malefactor. Whereas in the psychological aspects, the victim will be impaired with mental and psychological illness such as depression, apprehension, post-trauma stress, anorexia nervosa, nightmares and lethargy (Lum, 2010). On the other side, the perpetrator will get charged by the courts and even imprisoned for a period of time (Hong, 2004). Besides, the perpetrator will also regret on what he had done and face the hot soup due to his conscienceless. Have you ever heard of a baby being afraid to play with another baby simply reason that he thinks he is not good as others (Radwan, 2012)? The answer is surely no. No one knows to be inferior since he is born. We feel inferior solely because our culture and past life experiences have shaped us to have such personality characteristics (Radwan, 2012). Same to the unemployed group, they will start facing inferiority complex when they get into no jobs and result in low self esteem. Thus, we can say that inferiority complex is another psychological impact of unemployment. First of all, let us have a better understanding for this term, inferiority complex. As Oxford Dictionary shows that â€Å"inferiority complex is an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behaviour in compensation†. Next, what are the symptoms for this personality disorder? When a person is having this illness, he may practise social avoidance. This means that he will withdraw himself from any social activities or interactions. By applying to my topic, the person might avoid to attend any meetings, discussions that held in the workplace. The reason behind this is that he thinks he is not good as others. Furthermore, he becomes more sensitive to others opinion or comment towards himself. For instance, a person is demeaning others due to his high sensitivity even though the comment means no harm. Another indicator will be the person might fear of making mistakes. Since they fear of listening bad comments, they will face difficulties when they are trying new things (Lalwani, 2012). How unemployment causes inferiority complex? When a person gets unemployed, his or her dignity somehow can get affected. What comes to his mind is that the employer is not satisfied for his working performance or he has made many mistakes. This will result in low self esteem. Since then, the person is not confident as last time and also fear to make mistakes as I mentioned above. Another point of view, social judgment also contributes to this issue. A jobless person portrays certain images that society will think of such as low productivity, careless, incapability and irresponsible. The effects of getting inferiority complex include the person will afraid of taking any risks and thus this will limit his success potential. Besides, he also will fear of making mistakes since he is in low esteem and fe ar of being scold. Moreover, this illness makes people feel bad, remorseful and can a make person dejected in a long run (Radwan, 2012). Nonetheless, this kind of people will also have to vent their emotion and cope with their illness, so they choose to engage in substances abused which is totally wrong like alcoholism and smoking. As we can see, the issue of unemployment actually not only affects the stability of the country economic status but also brings a lot of serious psychological impact to the category of unemployed. Besides depression, aggression and inferiority complex, there are other mental illnesses that come along with this issue. This has clearly showed that unemployment is not a light issue and even government must take it seriously. Although a country is rich in terms of wealth and it is well-developed; however, its people is suffering from various illnesses, this particular country still not be regarded as a developed country which is full of prosperity. By resolving this issue, Malaysia has organized a national organisation that manages employers for any private sectors named Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) which carries a function as advertise and escort the employer’s rights (Narayanan, 2012). Besides, this organization has also established Unemployment Insurance. It is for providing coverage for those retrenched workers who are still unable to get a career in a period of time. For those who are qualified to get this offer, they will get a portion of their last taken salary. This is helpful because it assists those workers to help them in sustain in their living life when they are looking for a new career (Narayanan, 2012). References Aufiero, B. (2010, Apr 25). Consequences of depression. Retrieved from Baron, R.A., Branscmbe, N.R., Byrne, D. (2008). Social Psychology (12th ed.). United States, America: Pearson Education, Inc. Better Medicine (2011, May 2). Aggression: Symptoms. Retrieved from Butcher, J.N., Mineka, S. Holley, J.M. (2008). Abnormal Psychology Core Concepts. United States, America: Pearson Education, Inc. DementiaGuide (n.d). Aggression. Retrieved from Depression. (n.d.). In Cambridge Dictionaries online. Retrieved from Hong, L.J. (2004, Jul 25). Concept Analysis: Aggression. Retrieved from Inferiority complex. (n.d.). In Oxford Dictionaries online. Retrieved from Lalwani, P. (2012, Feb 28). Inferiority Complex Symptoms. Retrieved from Lum, M. (2010, Jul 25). Violating our health. thestar online. Retrieved from Narayanan, S.V. (2012, May). Unemployment Ins urance blues. People’s Edge, Volume 2(Issue 1), 26-28. Poatsy, M.A. Martin, K. (2010). Better Business. United States,America: Pearson Education, Inc. Radwan, M.F. (2012, June 28). Inferiority Complex. Retrieved from Unemployment. (n.d.). In Cambridge Dictionaries online. Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Study Of Easyjet And The Airline Industry Tourism Essay

Study Of Easyjet And The Airline Industry Tourism Essay Easy Jet Airline is one of leading low-cost British airline established in 1995. Easy Jet has seen a rapid expansion, operating domestic and international service on 500 routes between Europe, North Africa and Asia. Its successful strategies based on low-cost, no frills model which derive from the a concept that demands for short-haul air transportation is price elastic. That means if the price of plane tickets are being reduced, more people will fly. Microeconomics Major determinants of demand The demand for a particular good or service depends on a variety of factors. Key influences include the price of substitutes; especially goods that are close substitutes, and the price of complements, the levels of consumer income, consumers expectation.(à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) The availability of alternative modes of transportation for air travel are increasing, in particular ownership of automobile and the railway development. These close substitutes might be a threat a number of traditional airline companies, dominating short journey sector (less than 3 hours). However, it is extremely difficult for rail transport to challenge a low-cost airline company like easyjet. For example, Euro stars cheapest tickets to Paris is  £149, whereas Easy Jets prices start from  £17.99 Airline costs per passenger, and rail fares, from Barcelona Price Elasticity As demand law, when other factors on demand remain unchanged, a higher price for a product will lead to a lower quantity demanded. The price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness, or sensitivity, of the demand for a good to changes in its price when other influences on demand are held constant. It is defined as the percentage change in quantity demanded resulting from a given percentage change in price. For example, if a 1% increase in price leads to a 1.5% drop in quantity demanded, the own-price elasticity of demand is 1.5. In this case, since the percentage fall in demand is greater than the percentage rise in price, total spending on the good will decline, and the demand for it is said to be elastic. If, on the other hand, a 1% price rise causes a smaller percentage decline in the quantity demanded, the own-price elasticity will be less than one, and demand is said to be inelastic.(à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.) The demand for air travel should be distinguished among markets for: business and leisure travel; long-haul and short-haul travel; and international and long-haul travel. Accordingly, to examine the sensitivity of the demand for air travel to its price, separate estimates of the own-price elasticity of demand are gathered for each of these distinct markets. Since the alternative modes of transportation for long distance are not widely available, it is considered that the demand for air transport will be less elastic for long-haul flights than for short-haul flights. Moreover, international travel tends to be spread over more time than domestic travel due to globalization, so that the plane ticket is more expensive than domestic tickets. globalization makes international travel especially business travel less sensitive to changes in ticket prices. On the other hand,  travelers for leisure are more likely to postpone trips to specific locations in response to higher fares, or to shop around and looking for more affordable fares. Therefore, it is concluded that the demand for air transport for leisure travel will be more elastic than business travel. Price Elasticity of Supply and Demand The relationship between demand and price of traveling by air can be both elastic and inelastic. To a large extent it depends on the type of customers traveling. For example a family planning a vacation that requires air travel, if the price of an airline ticket is extremely high, they are more likely decide to delay the trip until the prices are lower. This shows that leisure air travel is considered elastic. However, if a business customer needs to travel across the country by the next day, they will need a plane ticket regardless of the ticket price. For business travel, the price of airline would be considered inelastic because it is a necessity. The current market for business travel has a big part in the supply and demand within the airline industry. More so in the economic downturn with the price of oil rapidly increasing, the cost of an airline ticket is consequently has risen and the demand for leisure travel has fallen. In addition, another reason for the decline in demand is that after 9/11 there has been growing concern over in-flight safety. Another factor that influences the price of an airline ticket is the date that it is purchased. If there is an  emergency, the customer may need to book a ticket on the day of travel or even purchases a ticket close to the departure time. The fact that there are still many unsold tickets is disregarded and the price will be higher. elastic.gif Market structure of Airline industry There are many factors impacted on the recent poor financial performance of traditional airlines, including the effects of 9/11, the global economic recession, the increasing growth of low cost airlines that operate under a different business model, and the recent surge in fuel prices. As described below, several simultaneous factors are transforming the global airline industry. The growth of low-cost airlines: The increasing growth of the market share of low-cost, low cost fares during the last few years is one of the most significant trends in the industry, and has presented a considerable threat to the viability of network of traditional carriers. The response of the traditional network airlines to the growing low cost airlines challenge will be critical to determining the future structure of the airline industry, both in the United States and in Europe. Competitive analysis The most obvious competitive advantages Easy Jet had are delivering low-cost and maximizing margins. easyJet keeps costs low by cutting off the unnecessary costs and frills which is in traditional airlines. This is done in several major ways: firstly, easy jet take advantage of the Internet to reduce distribution costs and then maximize the utilization of the substantial assets and maximize utilization of each aircraft and therefore, significantly reduces the unit cost Secondly, Easy Jet launched paperless operation and ticketless travel which means passengers receive an email containing their travel details and booking reference instead of get a paper ticket when they book online. This lower the cost of issuing, distributing, processing and reconciling millions of tickets each year. At the same time, Easy jet simplified its work practice by delivery the concept of paperless operation and a well designed information system allows management and administrative job carried out through its IT systems of company. The no-frill service on board is another reason for Easy Jet to keep cost low, because everybody always complain about food on board so why bother to provide food if people dont want it? Cutting off free catering on-board decrease cost and unnecessary bureaucracy and management. It is also an important differentiator between easyJet and other airlines and a potent reflection of our low-cost approach. Passengers can purchase food on-board if th ey need it . ironically, Easy jet have won awards for our catering service. The new concept of a simple service model also reflects a more general need about eliminating other unnecessary, costly services. pre-assigned seats, interline connections with other airlines and cargo/freight carriage are the characteristics of traditional airline result in high complex to manage cost. Moreover, easyJet use airports effectively by flying to main destination airports throughout Europe with high frequency and obtain efficiencies through rapid turnaround times. By cutting off turnarounds time to 30 minutes and below, easyJet can gain extra turnaround rates on the high-frequency routes, thus, maximizing utilization rates of its aircraft. Easy Jet made an agreement with airports about progressive landing charges. the operation easyJet currently has operating various bases throughout the UK and mainland Europe. It is a truly European operation and was one of the few airlines to take advantage of the reforms offered by the single European aviation market. Manage cost Fuel cost is one of the biggest and volatile single cost for Easy Jet therefore fuel efficiency is very important to Easy Jet. In 2009, Easy jet saved 1.2%of fuel they burn through the improvement of fuel efficiency and new flight planning system. Easy Jet have aimed a 3% improvement in fuel burn, which will deliver 20million by 2012. It is crucial for Easy Jet to manage cost effectively so that it can continue to offer competitive fares profitably. Easy jet plans to make at least 190million of cost reduction by the end of 2012, which will allow Easy Jet to offset inflationary pressures and produce 1 per seat benefit to the bottom line. The crew efficiency will be improved by 10% through route and crew optimal tools and a new roster system. Marco-economic Transport economics in general, especially air transport has been viewed as the laboratory of economic activity. Flourishing transport derived by booming economy, as an increasing economic activity, expanding industrial production and booming trade relation will inevitably lead to an ever-greater need for transport. A decline of the same parameters will reflect on a decreasing demand for transport. Within the transport industry, air transport seems to be more sensitive to such economic environment. In the face of recent financial crisis that affected world economic growth and international trade, airline industry are affected by this crisis. The EUs air transport system has been considered as a very important factor of the Unions economy. In the meanwhile, it is quite sensitive to economic environment and economic development in other industry. In 2008, the worldwide financial downturn had increasingly resulted in a global economic crisis. At the same time, the impacts of this crisis for air transport sector reflected on obvious decline of air travel demand because of less transported passengers and goods, reduction of supply through reduction of frequency, and lower company profits. Figure3: GDP Yearly Growth from 1990-2008 Inflation and Oil Price Impact The inflation rate in Europe was 0.90% in February of 2010. Inflation rate reflected on a general rise in prices measured against a standard level of purchasing power. The effective measures of Inflation are the CPI which measures consumer prices, and the GDP that measures inflation in the whole of the domestic economy. Oil prices are pushing up inflation across Europe. And oil price really matters to the health of global economy. The global economic downturn in 2000-2001 resulted from higher oil price since 1999, and global GDP growth have decreased. Higher oil price are contributing to high level of cost and unemployment and accelerating budget-deficit problem. The impact of high oil price on oil-importing countries varies mainly depending on the degree to which they are net importers and the oil intensity of their economies.. European countries are highly dependent on oil imports, which would suffer most in the short term, their GDP went down by 0.5% and inflation increasing by 0. 5% in 2005. The United States suffered with GDP declining by 0.3%,mainly because its domestic production meets a bigger part of share of its oil needs. Japans GDP decreased 0.4%, with its low oil intensity compensating for its almost high dependence on imported oil. The problem of fuel rates/ cost is one of many factors all airline companies faced with. The price of a barrel of oil has been a huge impact on airliner and global airline industry. According to the statistics, the cost of fuel has been made up by 31% of the total cost of business of airline companies. The aviation industry is always sensitive to the change of fuel price. In the economic recession, the number of the passenger would scare away if airline company rise the ticket price, despite of the situation of fuel price surge. Therefore, the only ways for airline company to minify the loss because of the higher oil price are strengthening management, cutting cost and efficiency improving, instead of simply raise the price. Another financial risk exposure in the airline industry is interest rate. Interest rate risk is important to airline companies in terms of the cost of debt finance. Higher financial leverage ratios are dominant in the aviation industry because of its capital intensive nature and high cost of equity. High earnings volatility made cost of equity increase. Equity can be less attractive due to lower price earnings ratios found in the airline industry. In the meanwhile, cost of debit is closely related to the interest rate changes. Therefore, the impact of interest rates on general business could be large consequential effect. Moreover, high interest rates result in higher cost of distress, this is especially for the airline industry. Legislation Impact One of the most difficult balancing acts that airline companies faced is the challenge of balanceing global warming and remaining competitive position in marketplace. The airline industry is responsible for 2% of the worlds man-made carbon emissions and 6% of the Uks. It has already achieved a great deal in keeping emissions down,and it is continuing to take its responsibilities seriously through industry-wide initiatives, in-depth research, roadmaps, not to mention new airframe and engine technology.In 2005,the climate impacts of aviation have finally landed on european political agenda.because the air travel is the worst climate choice of all transport modes, per passenger kilometer of aircraft emits tree times more than cars. Per tonne kilometer of freight, aircroft measured about an order of magnitude worse than lorries. the UK Climate Change Act, passed last November called into question how quickly the industry could deploy into new aircraft and fleets the technological advance ments it was claiming were going to help it deliver a percentage reduction in CO2 emissions. Airline companies must act quickly to lower its own CO2 emissins to meet goverment regulation,many people argued that the climate change policies will destory the development of aviation industry. However, the study shows that climate change legislation could be designed in a sustainable way. Survival of the Easy Jets Low-cost Model Low-cost airline model has proven to be successful, and has been copied by the many airline company worldwide. Low-cost airline model is based on strict adherence to several major principles: point to point flight, maximization of flying hours, short-haul, use of secondary airports, no-frill, and no delay, which result in low cost, low fares and high demand and capacity utilization. ( Macario Although the air transport market is heavily impacted by the economic crisis, in turn, economic recession provides a potential opportunity to low-cost airline company. Easy Jet announced a profit increase in 2009. Low cost airline companies are increasing their market share compared to traditional airline. Potential strategies for Easy Jet Firstly, Easy Jet should build stronger air transport network. Although Easy Jet has a leading presence on Europes top 100 routes, it still needs to strengthen its positions in the key market and focus on the routes customers find the most attractive, at convenient times. Easy Jet needs to continually manage schedule quality and fine-tune its network. Which means it will offer customers the opportunity to arrive when they want and when they want. It will allow Easy Jet get increasing market share of flight and have higher load factors than its competitors. Increasing frequency and stability on major routes with launching new the route mix offer more choice to its customers based on market research. For instance, Easy Jet launched flight with daily return flight from several cities in UK to many European cities. As the demand declines through the summer months, it should manage its schedule and move assets to leisure routes in order to maximize its capacities. In addition, unnecessary cost created by overnight stops could be avoided by base management, in order to improve efficiency and maximize revenue. Secondly, it is important to listen to customer and understand their need and then design schedule and service to match. the relative effective way to get close to its customers is to collect all customer data, which provides a fast and intelligent view on trends in customers travelling habits. With these customer databases, it allows marketing department tailor marketing emails according to individual customer purchasing patterns and preferences. Moreover, build increasing customer experience to appeal business travelers. Departure time is vital for customer and ensuring customers arrive at their destination on time is a key to delivery of a winning customer proposition. In a recession economic environment, Easy Jet has potential opportunity to increase share of the business travel market due to many corporate tend to low cost air travel company to cut business cost. How a rise in fuel prices affect the airline industry

Thursday, September 19, 2019

America and the Great Depression Essay examples -- Essays Papers

America and the Great Depression 1. Compare the ideas behind the protest movements of Huey Long and Upton Sinclair. The Era of the Great Depression was one of both desperation and hope. Americans were desperate for a change, desperate for anything to come along that may improve their situation, yet hopeful that the light at the end of the tunnel was near. For many of those living in poverty during the 1930s, the â€Å"radical† leftist movements seen throughout the country appeared to be alternatives to the sometimes ineffective programs of FDR’s New Deal. Two such programs, Huey Long’s â€Å"Share Our Wealth† plan and Upton Sinclair’s End Poverty in California (EPIC) were fairly popular, mainly for their appealing alternatives to the current New Deal programs and ideals. Though the two movements were similar in some sense, both had different visions for the recovery of the American people. Huey Long, two-time Senator of Louisiana, was founder of the â€Å"Share Our Wealth† plan. A redistribution of the nation’s wealth, the plan called for one third of the country’s money to be divided among all the people. In the early 1930s, 4% of the American population held 87% of the wealth. (Polenberg 127) Long’s plan called for an end to this imbalance. â€Å"None too poor, none too rich† was his slogan. (Polenberg 126) The â€Å"Share Our Wealth† movement was made up of eight parts. A homestead allowance granted by the government to all families (and a limit on how large a family’s fortune could be), minimum family yearly incomes (and limits on excessive ones), better regulation of work hours (to prevent overproduction), an old-age pension, a balance between agricultural production and consumption, a pension for veterans and their disabled, ... president. Their programs however, did have lasting effects on the government at the time, causing it to shift towards the left in order to appease their supporters. The fact that two men with very different visions for the future of Americans could both be so popular while endorsing such radical changes only shows the true atmosphere of America in the Depression. Americans in poverty were willing to cling to any hope they could find, and though each did it in their own way, these men gave Americans that hope. Bibliography 1. Biles, Roger. A New Deal for the American People. Northern Illinois University Press. DeKalb, 1991. 2. Polenberg, Richard. The Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945. Bedford/St. Martin’s. Boston, 2000. 3. Terkel, Studs. Boston, 2000. 4. Terkel, Studs. Hard Times. The New Press. New York, 1970

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Michael C. C. Adams Book, The Best War Ever: America and World War II :: Adams Best War Ever World War II Essays

Michael C. C. Adams' Book, The Best War Ever: America and World War II Michael C. C. Adams' book, The Best War Ever: America and World War II, attempts to dispel the numerous misconceptions of the Second World War. As the title suggests, Americans came out of the war with a positive view of the preceding five turbulent years. This myth was born from several factors. Due to the overseas setting of both theaters of the war, intense government propaganda, Hollywood's glamorization, and widespread economic prosperity, Americans were largely sheltered form the brutal truth of World War II. Even to this day, the generation of World War II is viewed as being superior in morality and unity. The popular illusion held that 'there were no ethnic or gender problems, families were happy and united, and children worked hard in school and read a great number of books.' (115) It was a golden era when all Americans set aside their differences and united for a common cause which everyone put above all other priorities. The United States Army was thought of as more advanced in fighting ability, weapons, and supposedly held to a higher standard of ethics on the front. Americans that did die, died in ?an antiseptic, clean, neat way . . . gloriously.? (100) Soldiers weren?t blown apart into pieces, they died honorably and nobly. Many factors had to be in place for such a distorted myth to come about. The central one being that the entire war was fought on foreign land with the exception of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. With the conflicts on the other sides of the oceans, Americans would not witness the brutality, destruction, and suffering of civilians and soldiers alike. ?Only the United States was not both a destroyer and a victim of the destruction in the war.? (73) The civilians of the United States, therefore, relied on other sources to shape their view of World War II. ?Ads implied that if you bought a war bond your sacrifice was on par with that of the man in the front lines.? (74) The US government and industry played on Americans? sense of patriotism in order to get them to support the war or buy their products. However, ?it [advertising] is by nature emotional, rather than intellectual; it sells feelings rather than ideas.? (73) Government propaganda and business advertising were not the only factors in forming the inaccurate myth of the Second World War.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Gene Therapy Essay -- Biology Science Genetics Technology Essays

Gene Therapy Imagine yourself being a parent of a young child suffering from a horrible disease in which you now know to be genetically inherited. This disease is caused from the genes that you and your partner passed on to your child. Now lets say, you can treat this disease or may even be able to cure your child of this disease by altering, modifying, or replacing the genes that cause this disease through a process called gene therapy. Would you do it? I think most of us would answer yes. The option of being able to help our child several years ago may not have seemed possible. Genetic research has made giant leaps over the past decade and now the idea of gene therapy is reality. Through gene therapy it is possible to treat and elevate genetic diseases and mutations. We now have the knowledge and the technology to treat ourselves , our children, and the future generations. In order to make an educated decision, one must be aware of gene therapy itself. When making such a decision of whether to use gene therapy or not it would be beneficial to understand the technical aspects of gene therapy. It is also important to understand how gene therapy treats an individual, what it can be used to treat, and the previous trials and successes of the use of gene therapy. Or a person may find it worthwhile to know how the public perceives gene therapy and the overall consensus on its usage. After obtaining all of this knowledge, the decision of whether or not to use gene therapy should be able to be made confidently. Gene Therapy and the Technical Aspects Gene therapy is a means of treating diseases based on modifying the expression of a person's genes towards the therapeutic goal. Gene therapy could be used in treating letha... ... and thus will make the difference in life and death of our loved ones and ourselves. References Biotech Applied. Gene Therapy- An Overview. Biotechnology Industry Organization, 1990. Obtained from the WWW 9/3/98: http://www.gene. com/AE/AB/IWT/Gene_Therapy_Overview.html Bruce, Donald M.. Moral and Ethical Issues in Gene Therapy. Society, Religion and Technology Project(Church of Scotland), 1996. Obtained from the WWW 9/18/98: ww/srtproject/genthpy1.htm Grace, Eric S.. Better Health Through Gene Therapy. The Futurist Jan- Feb 1998, v32, n1, p39(4). Obtained through Pals. Rifkin, Jeremy. The Ultimate Therapy. Tikkun May-June 1998, v1, n3, p33(7) Obtained from WebPals on 10/6/98. Wilson, Jim. Institute for Human Gene Therapy. Last modified: 10/20/97.Obtained form the WWW 9/3/98: /ihgt/info/whatisgt.html

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Favorite Place in the World

The sun shines. The water glistens in the bright light. The wind swirls around me, unsettling the hot sand beneath my feet. I run to the ocean, disturbing the calm water as I dive in. The water surrounds me, engulfing me in its warmth. I am now at peace. For right now, at this moment, I am one with the water and the salt and the sand, and everything is okay. All my problems are washed away with the tide. It’s just me and the ocean. Just me and the beach. Just me and my favorite place in the world. I cannot describe how much the ocean means to me.The waves, the sand, the sun, the water, the world deep beneath the surface that no human truly understands, everything about it just connects with me. I grew up with the ocean; it was on the shores that I took my first steps, learned to swim, and grew familiar with all the small creatures the dwell near the shore. No, I didn’t entirely grow up on the beach, though I wish I had. I’ve lived since birth, in the Chicago land area. However, once a year my family has gathered in a beach house in North Carolina, right on the ocean, for a weeklong reunion.I treasured those precious seven days I had with my family on the beach, for that is all I got; seven days of pure happiness, and then I went back to my normal, beach-less life. Don’t get me wrong; I loved growing up in the city, but something about those weeks at the beach captured my heart and made me yearn for more. So many of my best childhood memories are centered on the shores of North Carolina. Surrounded by all my favorite people and things, there was never a dull moment.Though looking back it seems like we spent every waking moment on the beach and in the water, we also played games inside the beach house, or just hung out and talked while sitting on the porch, looking out at a beautiful beach sunset. When I was younger, no older than maybe six years old, I loved the waves. My cousins would be too scared to go near the big ones, preferring to stay near the shore. But as for me, the daredevil, I looked down upon the wimpy waves, wanting only the big ones that can only be found in deeper water.Once, a big storm hit our beach and all the strong men went out to try to conquer the 10 feet waves. I wanted so much to join them battle the sea. However, my mother would not let me go in. So instead, my cousins and I stayed on the porch watching, amazed at how the calm and peaceful ocean of the daytime could turn into such a monster. But the next morning, the sound of the calm waves crashing on the sandy shore greeted me as I first opened my eyes to the new day in paradise. The peaceful water I knew and loved had returned, waiting for me to go back in.Even the not so great things at the beach will grow on a person. For instance, the fact that sand gets everywhere may bother some people, but not me. And not just the places you would expect it to be, it’s everywhere. Even when you try so hard not to touch the sandy ocean f loor, it gets in your swimsuit, the couch, the bed, and the floor. It just seems to follow you in the house, despite the many rugs feebly attempting the stop the sand at the front door. But while at any beach, you come to expect it.I not only came to live with sleeping with sand, but I also started to like it. I never had to leave the beach, even when I was sleeping. There are other down sides to being at the beach, but none of them bother me anymore. For example, no matter how much sunscreen you rub into your skin, you always seem to get sunburn somewhere. Or how it doesn’t matter if you are dripping with bug spray at night, the mosquitoes attack you anyway. But even sunburn and mosquito bites can’t ruin my trips to the beach. After all, I am at my favorite place in the world.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Network Consultation Proposal Essay

DesignIT is a graphic arts company that is expanding business and has recently purchased a new building 56’*36’ space for the purpose of housing two full time designers and a receptionist. The new building has four cubicles, one office, one server room, one reception desk, and a conference room. DesignIT has already relocated one Web Server (Microsoft IIS Server), one File Server (Microsoft Server 2008), and one more Server 2008 (Small Business Server). As a network design consultant, I have been charged with the task of designing and configuring the network for DesignIT. The small company has informed me that the network should include six computers, three printers, a Firewall, a wireless network for portable devices, and a high speed internet connection. DesignIT has also requested me that all the interconnected devices and wiring, along with the speed should be able to offer the best performance. I will design a Local Area Network (LAN) for DesignIT, a Local Area Net work (LAN) is a network of computers, and other network devices such as printers which exchange data, and are located under one roof. LAN networks are mostly used in small organizations or small businesses. The computers in a LAN communicate through protocols and share data such as files and emails. Every computer in a network is assigned a unique Internet Protocol (IP). When a computer communicates by sending a request to the LAN network, it is routed to a particular server that has the requested data. The server then communicates back to the IP address of requesting computer with the information that was requested (Kenyon, 2002). There are three servers for DesignIT, the Web Server will be used to connect the company to the internet, and the File Server will be utilized for sharing while the Small Business Server will be utilized as a Mail Server. Since DesignIT needs a network that incorporates six computers, three printers, and a wireless network, the network design should therefore take  several factors into consideration. These factors will impact on the network costs, speed, infrastructure, and functionali ty. When designing this Local Area Network (LAN) for DesignIT, there is also need to consider the network requirements. The network should integrate sound, video, synchronous, as well as asynchronous data. When designing the LAN network, the organizational goals of DesignIT should be factored in the LAN design. I will also pay attention to network throughput, line charges, security, and the integration of newer technologies in the future. When designing a LAN network, some issues must be considered, one of these issues is the organization’s short, medium, and long term goals. Several factors to be considered include the network equipment, user applications, end-user equipment (workstations), and connectivity to the internet. The LAN network for DesignIT will include other network devices which include gateways, routers, firewall, and cables. Without these devices communication cannot be possible from a computer to another in the LAN network. A router and switch are the most important devices of a network. Networks which are well configured and have a good infrastructure are helpful in improving manageability, performance, reliability and reducing overall operating cost (Kenyon, 2002). To set up this LAN network for the DesignIT, the following are the hardware and software devices that I would utilize so as to design the LAN network for DesignIT. T1 Lines- This is a standard for data communication which was first developed in the 1960s. T1 lines offer a data rate of 1.544Mbps. I will utilize T1 link from Verizon to connect DesignIT to the internet. T1 lines are offer private voice and reliable data networking. A T1 line typically costs $1000 per month. Cisco Linksys Firewall- A firewall is a software or hardware network device that controls incoming and outgoing data communication through analyzing data packets and giving permissions whether to allow or not based on a set of rules. A firewall may also include a default gateway or a proxy server which helps to make network request on the behalf of a user. I will utilize Cisco-Linksys BEFSX41 EtherFast Cable/DSL Firewall Router (4-Port 10/100 Switch / VPN Endpoint) for this network. The device costs $150. LAN Switch- A LAN Switch performs the same work as a hub except that, a switch does not broadcast packets to every computer in the network like hubs. All the computers and computer devices will be connected to the switch by Ethernet cables. The LAN  Switch costs $150. Linksys Wireless Router- A router is a network device that is used to connect two or more computer devices in a network. The Linksys Wireless router will be utilized to connect wireless devices the LAN network. The Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router that I will use in this case costs $150. Ethernet Cables- Ethernet Cables will be utilized to connect all the network devices in the DesignIT LAN network. They will connect routers, switches, computers, and printers in the LAN network. I will utilize CAT5 Ethernet Cables for this network. The Ethernet cables will cost about $100 for DesignIT LAN network. ESET NOD32 Antivirus- an Antivirus is software that is used to prevent, detect, and remove malicious computer programs. ESET NOD32 Antivirus is a good choice since it also acts against other types of malware such as worm, Trojan horses, backdoors, and spyware. The ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 that I will utilize for this network costs $40 for subscription of one year. The building will share one internet connection (T-1 link from Verizon). This connection will come to Web Server in the server room. This will be the access point of the LAN network of DesignIT. The T-1 link from Verizon will connect the company to the internet and can also be utilized to connect the LAN network to another LAN or WAN network in case the company decides to expand business in future. The T-1 link utilizes frame relay which will provide the building with high speed data connection between and among all users. This connection will also enable all computers to receive dedicated connection at a speed that every computer requires. This connection will also be affordable for DesignIT since it is only charged for the resources. It costs an average of $1000 per month. Frame relay is an industry standard technology for accessing fast packet switched, â€Å"cloud computing† data networks (Bates, 2000). Through T1 link DesignIT will use frame relay as an interface between data terminal equipment such as routers, switches, and host machines such as servers. This technology will provide connectivity via logical channels or permanent virtual circuit connections which will be deployed over dedicated access facilities and shared on a high performance switching platform. This shared data platform and backbone makes transport more efficient, such that all users will receive better network throughput which is also cost effective. T-1 link technology is an added advantage for DesignIT LAN network since it is flexible to use and an excellent platform for many application. Since multiple virtual connections are established over one physical access line, Frame Relay can reduce the number of customer premises router ports necessary for LAN applications. The number of private lines required to attain mesh connectivity and reliability can also be reduced. Frame Relay handles terminal to-host, LAN-to-LAN connections, or applications like imaging, e-mail and graphic file transfers with equal simplicity. With all of these capabilities, Frame Relay is an excellent choice for DesignIT. I will configure a Class C network for DesignIT with an IP of There will only be one subnet for this network. I have selected a Class C network because it exhibits the ability to combat spamming of sites located on the same server. Search engines have removed linking power from one site to the other in case they are on the same class C IP. I will take network security measures so as to implement the best security for DesignIT. The security will be designed in regard to the user group in question, this means that the two designers will share different user groups with the receptionist if need be. I will implement access control measures such as access logs so as to manage what each user should have access to in regard to the organizational pol icies and procedures. I will also install ESET NOD32 Antivirus in the Small Business Server. The Cisco Linksys Firewall will also be a key device for enhancing security; it will control incoming and outgoing data communication through analyzing data packets and giving permissions based on security rules. The Bus Topology is the best suited for this network; the bus topology is the simplest network topology. Also known as linear bus, in this topology all computers will be connected to a contiguous cable or a cable joined together to make it contiguous. Ethernet is the common example of a bus topology. Each computer determines when the network is not busy and transmits data as needed. Computers devices in a bus apology listen only for transmission from other computers; they do not repeat or forward the transmission on the other computers. It is also worth noting that the signal in a bus topology travels to both ends of the cable. To keep the signal from bouncing back and forth along the cable, both ends of the cable in a bus topology will be terminated.